Shooting From The Lip...

Joe O'Byrne looks at Film/TV/Theatre/Music/Art/Literature from a purely personal point of view. A Sawn Off Double Barrelled Mouth Piece of a column on what's good, what's bad and what's pushing me over the edge in the glad, mad and bad world of The Arts...2012 will be the year of 'Making A Noise...' be it pleasant or unpleasant. We are in the midst of dark times, the worst financially in generations. A world of self serving politicians, 'fiddling while Rome burns' bankers and hedge funders that have done more getting us into this mess than out of it. A world where the present leader of our government see's a couple of square miles of London's financial district as 'serving the Nation's (or his Political Party's) best interests'.

Will this impact on the world of the Arts? We already know it has and will continue to do so. But not just in a negative way...oh no. History has shown that periods of recession produce masterpieces in terms of the Arts. I'm looking forward to some fantastic work over the coming year(s). Be it good or bad, if it crosses my path I'll be aiming my Sawn Off Double Barrelled Mouth Piece at it...and shooting from the lip.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Tales from Media City: A Hero Reborn...?


Hazel stirred...something was wrong, her Superhuman Sense of Injustice was tingling...Salford was in pain, her City and her people needed her.  She looked out of the window and her fears were confirmed as the Pratt Signal lit up the night sky over Salford's Media City...

She rose from her bed, not the one that cost £899, no it was the one with the mattress costing £651.  She turned on the TV - the one costing £850 - no wait, it could have been the one costing £913 it didn't really matter - it was ALL tax payers money.  She staggered through some tax payer contributed £4,874 worth of furniture to find the comfiest chair - and with so much furniture to choose from things could get confusing - she didn't want to get confused again...she'd been confused before.

Like when in March 2004 she designated a house in her Salford constituency, which she has owned with her husband since June 1997, as her second home. The following month she “flipped” the Kennington flat as her second home.  In December 2004 Ms Blears flipped again after buying another London flat and declaring that as her second home...and of course in that confusion you can forget to pay £13,000 in tax's can't you...just send 'em a cheque if they find out, it will all be fine, and the juggling of homes had all been worth it as it had allowed her to claim more than £20,000 per year of tax payers money in second home expenses...

Figures taken from this link...

Still, that's old news now and none of that mattered - she still had her job, her people still loved her - hmm, maybe one day they could buy her a yacht to sail down the Salford Canal...?  Anyway - she flicked on the TV and took in the local BBC News from her consituency's Salford Media City...the place where so many of her constituents had been able to gain employment from the 1,846 jobs that were available at the BBC there. 

The news struck her like a thunderbolt...seriously readers as it appears only 24 people from Salford got jobs there, and of the 'lucky' 24 who got in 8 of them are on between £3.64 & £4.92 an hour.  More on that here:

I'm actually registered myself on the BBC Salford Jobs HR Direct website.  An amazing engine.  I went through the whole system of application with the BBC expressing strong interest in writing and made it all the way to their database, tests, forms etc - without speaking to a single 'human being'.  This amazing online job match engine that links candidates to appropriate jobs works a treat, apparently I'm 'appropriate' to conduct the London Philharmonic Orchestra - I've never played a musical instrument in my life. I have had around 20-30 producer job posts email alerts for eductational or children's program producers that all demand experience of which there is nothing in my CV.  I have not had one job alert that matches my skills - why take me on to the database as a suitable candidate if nothing over this near two year period actually matched my skills?  Useless. With these kind of systems in place how many good people have fallen throught the - well not cracks - major bloody chasms?

A Red Costumed Super Heroine streaked across the night FULL VENT to her fury as the BBC cowered...

Hazel Blears, MP for Salford and Eccles, described the figures as ‘incredibly disappointing’. She said she was seeking an urgent meeting with Peter Salmon, director of BBC North.  “I’m shocked they have only come up with such a small number and I think they can do much, much better. In these difficult economic times it is vital that local people are able to take jobs in their home areas.'' No Shit Sherlock? What a pointless soundbyte, toothless. 

Shouldn't you have paid a little more attention at the beginning Hazel?  When the opportunity first arose about the Beeb coming to Salford?  You could have stuck your tuppence worth in with the likes of Mr Salmon, that would have shown a little more duty of care at the right point, maybe you were busy with figures. 

This is a concern though...'The BBC is also running an apprenticeship programme at MediaCity which has taken on 16 people from Greater Manchester – but none from Salford. The corporation, which aims to create 100 apprenticeships in all, said no one from the city had applied for the scheme.'

Why no applications from Salford?

Incredibly, Hazel is still in office...why was there no credible alternative to Her in Salford?  And if there was - why is she still there...maybe we get what we deserve? 


Joe x

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